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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Note About the Bad in Good Wife

Wow! Good Wife has been kicking ass and taking names (see Kalinda baseball batting Blake) the last few weeks. Between Alicia demanding to find out about Will's season closing voicemail (and getting shut down) to Peter's campaign foibles to the power struggle at Lockhart, Gardner (and Bond).

Which begs the question: in this 'bad' world, is Alicia the only truly 'good' person? Here are the 'bad' characteristics:

- Will pretending to take down Diane.
- Bond in general being a shady dude.
- Will and Diane getting their client to lie about torture.
- Their trusted lawyer guy (the one from 'Spin City') double - or maybe triple- dealing on their behalf to mess up bond.
- Peter knocking out two candidates in one episode. See also Eli.
- Eli for sending Wendy's nanny back to Mexico, after having a date with her.
- Peter's son finding pictures to blackmail Gelnn Childs- also an illegal nanny issue.
- Peter threatening Childs.
- Blake tracking down Kalinda's husband - (say what?)
- Kalinda baseball batting Blake.
- Will lying to Alicia about loving her.
- Rita Wilson's character in general.
- The skanky blonde girl that's always hitting on Alicia and Peter's son.
- Grace rebelling against her mother by becoming a super Jesus lover.
- Carey in the episode where the college students were lying for each other because the girl was pregnant.

The Good:
- Nana Jackie.
- Carey giving Kalinda a kiss, and telling her about the indictment building against her.

So when is Alicia going to take a break and be bad too?

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