Monday, July 30, 2018

Sunburn Remedies: Day 2

Yesterday's sunburn has taken full control of my delicate stomach epidermis. Tonight, it's time to test some new remedies. Welcome to my first work day with a terrible stomach sunburn! Remember, just because I'm not sparkling like a vampire in the light on the outside doesn't mean I don't feel it on the inside. I generally feel like I have a new layer of aloe-smothered skin.

Edward in the Light- TWILIGHT - Tenor GIF
PAIN LEVEL: (1-5 Scale)
A solid 4. 
Wearing a dress helped keep anything from touching my skin, but I'm taking breaks to apply extra aloe to my red spot. Laying on my stomach at the chiropractor's office was a few steps above torture by soccer stadium vuvuzelas.

 Remedy 1: Keep all fabric off the burn
Today, I wore a loose fitting dress to work to keep my stomach as far from exposure as possible. I'm sure it fixed anything, but I felt a little more comfortable.

Remedy 2: Cool Bath with Oatmeal
I first took an oatmeal bath when I had the chicken pox. It's still  great option for any type of skin irritation. This is relaxing so regardless I'm having fun!

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