Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Sunburn Remedies: Day 3

DAY 3: I Wear My Sunglasses at Night

Today, I woke up as a functioning sunburn victim! After two nights of pain, I was forgetting what normal looked like. To follow up on yesterday's methods of treatment, the oatmeal bath was  a disaster. The oatmeal was nice and calming, but I added what was left in the can, which was over a half a cup, and my tub was still draining oatmeal this morning.
Howie D in as a vampire in The Backstreet Boys'
"Backstreet's Back" video, from GIPHY.
PAIN LEVEL: (1-5 Scale)
A very normal 2.
I wore a loose-fitting cotton skirt today to keep my skin happy. I went to yoga class at night and was only in pain when I stretched my core and bent into cobra/upward dog, which require your stomach to be on the mat.

Remedy 1: Ice
In any pain relief treatment, the second thing to try (in the RICE) method) is rest. After being a bit restless in bed, I got a cold ice pack from the freezer and threw it on my stomach. I was instantly comforted into sleep.

Remedy 2: Tea Bags
I'm about to make some green tea, and the cooled tea bags will be gently placed on my red skin for anti-oxidants. I'll update on this tomorrow.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Sunburn Remedies: Day 2

Yesterday's sunburn has taken full control of my delicate stomach epidermis. Tonight, it's time to test some new remedies. Welcome to my first work day with a terrible stomach sunburn! Remember, just because I'm not sparkling like a vampire in the light on the outside doesn't mean I don't feel it on the inside. I generally feel like I have a new layer of aloe-smothered skin.

Edward in the Light- TWILIGHT - Tenor GIF
PAIN LEVEL: (1-5 Scale)
A solid 4. 
Wearing a dress helped keep anything from touching my skin, but I'm taking breaks to apply extra aloe to my red spot. Laying on my stomach at the chiropractor's office was a few steps above torture by soccer stadium vuvuzelas.

 Remedy 1: Keep all fabric off the burn
Today, I wore a loose fitting dress to work to keep my stomach as far from exposure as possible. I'm sure it fixed anything, but I felt a little more comfortable.

Remedy 2: Cool Bath with Oatmeal
I first took an oatmeal bath when I had the chicken pox. It's still  great option for any type of skin irritation. This is relaxing so regardless I'm having fun!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunburn Remedies: Day 1

Today, I went on a trip to the beach. It was great, except for a pesky sunburn on my stomach. I'll spare the photographic evidence and the story of my pink stomach, but just image sitting through a concert with a searing pain in your abdomen. I can't go back in time and re apply on my midriff, but I 'm sharing my diary of this week's sunburn remedies.

About four hours after the beach, the pain set in. What I first attributed to an irritation too-tight pants was eventually revealed to be sunburn.

ANGEL enjoying an alt. dimension where he can't 
be burned by the sun. Image from Mythcreants blog. 
PAIN LEVEL: (1-5 Scale)
This is a 5-alarm issue.
When the pain from a sunburn is so bad and you have to change your clothes, it's as severe as it can get. I even had to cushion my the lap part of my seat belt for the drive home.

Remedy 1: Drinking Water
-Sunburn usually makes me overly warm and sweaty (thanks to inflammation). I took a fresh bottle of ice cold H20 to help replenish foods in my body during the concert. This definitely prevented me from further hydration, so I consider it a win. 

Remedy 2: Loose Fitting Clothing
Once I ruled out stomach pain, I decided I had to get my stomach free of any restrictive fabric. This meant buying an oversized concert t-shirt so my pants could be open across my stomach. This helped a lot!

Remedy 3: Aloe
I grabbed some chilled aloe out of my fridge at home and slathered it on my stomach for an instant cooling sensation. The relief is temporary, but always appreciated. 

Remedy 4: Advil
Since sunburn is an inflammatory body response, I took an anti-inflammatory before bed. I think this helped take a little of the heat off my sensitive stomach because I fell asleep (on my back) almost instantly.

Remedy 5: Modify My Seat Belt
This pain is so intense, I had to use my shoulder strap for my seat belt and wrap it around my lap to keep the belt off of my stomach!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Sometimes It's a Grammar Fail Day: Part 2

     It's been two years to the day since I last wrote about widely published grammar fails. It's time for the 2018 edition of glaring grammar errors. As a professional proofreader, it's my sworn duty to call these errors out. Most of these are simple usage errors or some choice spellings that don't appear in any dictionary I have at home.     

7. Social Media Fail                                                                     
It's easy to make a grammar error when you're typing condolences in 120 characters or less, and my fellow BSB fans are not shy about pointing it out. In any case, confusing two versions of a word, morning vs. mourning is a pretty tame and forgivable grammar fail. It was best put by fan @GraceJoy1328 that in a time of loss, word usage errors are not too bad. 

6. Tentative Weather
Normally weather forecasts are given in ranges. Sometimes those ranges get a little vague. More than once this year, the range has just been 'a lot of snow.' 
Check out this drastic difference of snow totals in a warning from The Weather Channel in February. 
It could be 6 to 12 inches, expect in the spot that's going to get 10 to 15 inches. When we're talking about a half a foot's difference of snowfall, this is the difference between one snow day and not leaving your house for the weekend.  

5. Cable News Scroll Grammar Error
FOX News (a.k.a. America's News HQ) wasted no time getting the story out. In their hast, the screen card spelled out "Admists" instead of "admit." This is not really appropriate grammar for anyone. Someone tried to make the verb "admit" both active and plural, which would need to be 'admits,'. They also used a totally creative and "fake news" way of spelling, which is incorrect.

4. Store Sign
On a winter trip to my favorite miscellaneous shopping experience, Ocean State Job Lot, I noticed a sign with a choice spelling for 'hoodie.' When last I checked, hoodie is the singular spelling, and when it goes plural, it's hoodies. A simple Google before printing the store signage can save a lot of face. 

3. Doctor's Office Spelling 
When making an appointment for an allergy shot on my ENT's app, I did a double take. I kept trying to figure out who the 'eshtablished' patients here. There is one letter added to the word that makes no sense, and I keep wondering if 'eshtablished' patients are better than established ones. Maybe they get all of the early morning and late night slots before they will become available? In any case, I'll be booking by location tonight. 

2. Newsletter Nightmare
It's easy to confuse two similar words when you type as fast as I do. It's quite embarrassing to have a link to a nutritional article about dairy (with a cow pictured) and to find out this piece is about "diary??" Clearly, these two common words can be swapped easily, but they have nothing in common. 

1. Headline Homicide
I did a double take last week when I read this latest development in the fragile relationship of comedian Pete Davidson and singer Ariana Grande. Not only are the pair shockingly engaged after one month of dating, but then Pete died??? What a tragedy...
Here is another classic version of using the wrong word drastically changing the meaning of the sentence, for the worst. When someone DYES something, they add color to it, but when they DIE, they are not living (or playing an elaborate casino game).