Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sham Marriage Ends: America Set Free Again

After 72 days of marriage, Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from Kris Humphries.  A word to the wise kids: never marry someone who has the same first name as your mom. Also, doubly never marry this person if the two spell their names the same way. It is guaranteed to get weird.

     To tell the truth, I really thought Kris (boy, not mom) would be the first one to pull the plug. But, maybe Kim woke up and realized that eventually the NBA lockout will end and Kris might actually have something to do with his life. In any case, this marriage lasted way longer than Britney Spears and Jason Alexander (2 days, and no not that guy from Seinfeld), but at least they woke up in Vegas and were able to correct (annul) their mistakes with a clean and hopefully sober mind.

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