Monday, October 17, 2011

A Note About Bingo: HIMYM Board Added!

I have TV bingo fever! Thanks to the highly successful Hawaii 5-0 Bingo board, I've taken to making my own boards to hammer out the predictable (and loveable events of each episode). Today's post is on How I Met Your Mother. Over the last two weeks of HIMYM watching, I was happy to say the standard 5 x 5 (if you were just thinking I was making a Buffy reference, two points for you!) board was just not enough. Plus, in honor of Robin's new boytoy, Kal Pen, TMA on Hulu shares a list of her greatest boyfriends . So after the episode, I had to make a bigger board, 6 x 6 (not symmetrical, but nice)! I can't wait to play tonight! See categories below:

This is the original 5x5 board: Oct 10, 2011

A complete listing of the spaces (from top to bottom, left to right) appears here, with the revised
6 x 6 board, also from Oct 10th:

1. Barney talks about hookers/strippers
2. Ted tells his story out of order
3. The night ends back at MacLarens
4. Barney disgusts a woman
5. Ted talks about architecture...snore
6. Robin has to prove she's not one of the guys

1. Wendy the Waitress of Karl the bartender make an appearance
3. Robin talks aboot life in Canada
4. Lily complains about being a teacher
5. Marshall makes up a song about something (slap song, laundry song etc...)
6. Barney wears a duck tie

1. Ted tells his kids a story with a lesson attached
2. An awesome guest star appearance
4. Barney says AWESOME or LEGENDARY
5. We see the gang in high school, college, a few years ago...
6. Lily and Marshall high-five

1. Scene on fake NYC street
2. Lily meddles/ tells a friend's secret
3. Barney conducts an elaborate scheme for personal gain
4. Ted is called by a nickname: schmoesby, theodorea, ted eyelyn.....
6. Ted talks duchey and smart

1. People don't take Robin seriously
2. Someone from the group breaks out into song
3. Ted thinks this girl is "the one"
4. Marshall talks about life in Minnesota
5. Let's talk about Goliath National Bank
6. Bro Moment/ bro code reference

1. Ted and Marshall fight
2. Barney gives a fake statistic
3. Ted dates a girl with a major flaw
4. Someone makes an elaborate chart
5. The gang drinks
6. We get a clue about Ted's wife

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