Monday, January 24, 2011

A Note About Re-Watching TV Shows

I have a lot of shows I like on DVD. I also have a lot of shows I used to like on DVD. I just got BOY MEETS WORLD season 1 on DVD now. One of the most important things I've realized is that like a song you listen to over and over again, a show you watched growing up means different things to you as you age.

FOR EXAMPLE: Season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Season 6 was very dark. Although the first few episodes brought great comedy: "Flooded," (Buffy beat up a demon in a bank and asked for a loan), "All the Way" (Halloween, Xander and Anya's engagement), "Life Serial" (Buffy trying to find a job) "Tabula Rasa" (group memory loss) and the critically acclaimed and groundbreaking musical episode, "Once More, With Feeling," it got pretty dark.

At the time, I wasn't a fan of the dark parts. I was in high school, and i naturally related to the earlier seasons (read- the seasons before Buffy died and switched to UPN). As I've been re-watching season 6, I've found love for many other episodes for one simple reason: I get it! Season 6 wasn't about darkness. Well, to some extent it was about darkness- (I mean, Willow did almost destroy the world and all).

But with my life establishing in my twenties, I can appreciate season 6 and recognize the simplicity of it. Season 6 was about growing up, trying to fix your life, find your life, and be an adult. Giles left, the kids had to grow up. Everyone made some bad decisions. Tara was killed. Life is hard, and season 6 was all about that. Sometimes people make mistakes (Buffy's whole relationship with Spike). Sometimes you have ato take a job you hate (at the Doublemeat Palace), and soemtimes you're not as ready to be as grown up as you think (Xander leaving Anya at the altar). But in the end, you have your friend that remembers you being upset about your broken crayon, and you know it will all be okay in the end.

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