Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Note About Celebrating Halloween Part 2: Teen Dramas

Out of the 3 Halloween episodes (and Buffy vs. Dracula, which I consider in the same league), it was a tough choice to choose the best. An oldie but a goodie, I went with season 2's "Halloween ", where Giles's old buddy Ethan Rayne comes into town and casts a spell, turning most of the characters into their Halloween costumes. Princess Buffy and Army Commander Xander offer plenty of humor as they are completely clueless to the whole "demons are real" idea. Best line is from Willow's, "You couldn't have dressed up as Xena?" Honorable mention to season 4's "Fear, Itself" where a spooky frat party is haunted by a 6-inch tall demon that feeds on fear. "All the Way" in season 6 was also nice but so Dawn-centric.

Season 1's Halloween episode (yes there was also a season 2 one but I haven't begun season 2 yet) was a great and solid start for the diaries. "Haunted" unleashed newborn vamp Vicki on the Mystic Falls Halloween party, where Nurse Elena ended up covered in blood and regret.

In a show all about a vampire, the first and only Halloween episode came in season 5's "Life of the Party." Empathic Lorne is sleep deprived and everything he says begins coming true at the Wolfram and Heart office Halloween party.

The most clear Halloween themed episode of Charmed came in season 3's "All Halliwell's Eve." The sisters (Elvira, Butterfly Princess and Glinda) get transported back to the 1700's where they have to use old school magic (apples and brooms) to protect the birth of their great grandmother and the first witch in their family's line. Leo dresses in his old WWII army uniform as well! Honorable mentions to two unofficial Halloween episodes, season 5's "Sympathy for the Demon" where fear demon Barbaras attacks the sisters fears, and season 8's ep where Billie fights crime dressed as a slutty superhero.

Season 1's "Spooked" picked up with Felicity getting close to Ben because they were robbed together. Then Ben gets distant -I know what a shocker. COSTUME highlights: Julie as Catwoman, Elena comes dressed as a SUBWAY employee, Felicity is the Bride of Frankenstein, and Ben shows up as a duchey stockbroker. Honorable mention to the "Twilight Zone" themed "Help for the Lovelorn" in season 2 and the episode where Meghan wants Sean to go to a fetish club. Best line: I think I just saw Ben making out with the pink power ranger." -and not referencing Amy Jo Johnson's Julie- the actual pink power ranger.

The one, and only, Halloween episode of DC came in season 6. So be default, "Living Dead Girl" wins. Dawson throws a Halloween party and thinks he sees the ghost of a dead girl.

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