Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Note About OTH Getting Real

In a shocking juxtaposition between what you get and what you see, One Tree Hill's promos have little to do (tone-wise) with the actual episode. Each episode is full of somberness and sorrow, the angst of your twenties with some soap-opera drama. Each promo is in the 90210-style "Ten Shocking Things that Happen This Week" method, which will need to stop if this show wants to continue with its integrity. And as much as I love OTH, let's agree that its integrity is definitely compromised this season. Not only was season 8 hanging by a thread, but both Clay and Quinn barely lived from that shooting.

Speaking of the shooting nobody should have survived (they were unconscious for like 30 hours), isn't anyone looking for that Katie nutcase that shot them? What happened to Tree hill Justice? Even though Dan wasn't convicted of Keith's murder for a while, they suspected he did it, and he did go to jail. They KNOW crazy Katie killed these people, and nobody seems to bat an eyelash...

But I do like Haley taking over as the narrator. Her bookend letters to Lucas are a cute way to narrate the show and get back to the roots,back when Lucas used to narrate the show. I miss those peroxide-heads. This show cannot go out without Lucas and Peyton coming back.

I'm undecided about how i feel about the new opening credits. I love the resurgence of the credits, but there's a new version of "I Don't Want to Be" every week. It's interesting, but its not comforting.

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