Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Note About Brothers, Sisters, and Poorly Timed Plots

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We've put up with a lot this year. I've stood by through Luc's immigration struggle, the search for Narrow Lake, Justin and Rebecca's failed wedding and miscarriage, Robert's shifty business, and Kitty's cancer.

Now this week, you decide to throw it all back at us tenfold.

It wouldn't be a surprise if Robert is the victim of next week's car crash (second major accident of the season if we count the fairly delightful 80's flashback episode), since he is leaving at the end of this season and it has been confirmed that next season will jump into the future, a feature first popularized by One Tree Hill's season 5 jump, according to this week's print edition of Entertainment Weekly.

But alas, back to the main problem with this episode: Ojai Foods and Narrow Lake. We knew Ojai was heading downhill, but it seems so sudden after last week that they would just shut their doors. Go figure. On to newer plot points... but where will the family/office drama take place now? Maybe Justin and Tommy can go into business, running a detox facility??

And Narrow Lake.

For months, we hoped Narrow Lake would be something, anything, sent from William Walker's grave, to save the family. Of course, it was not in the end. When Nora discovered the blueprints for a house at Narrow Lake, my thoughts weren't "Oh well, William Walker wasn't such a bad guy. He must have loved his wife even thought he left the company unstable and cheated on her for years," as Sarah tried to stress.

My thoughts: This is the worst plot point ever! Honestly, William Walker was even more of a villain and a horrible father for leaving false hope that his family would be spared by this long-ago investment.

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