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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Welcome to the Family, Eddie! - A Weird Engagement

Image from Gifer
A lot happened on the season finale of Blue Bloods. The only thing I remember and really care about is the storyline that ended up with Jamie and Eddie showing up to family dinner, as an engaged couple!!! I've been waiting for these two crazy kids to get together for almost 7 years. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!! I'M SO HAPPY!

 After a shootout, Jamie (still a guy) and Eddie (still a girl) confessed their feelings, pledged to continue to be partners, and decided to get married to each other. I'm not the only one that is excited about the surprising news. Last year, I wrote a  lengthy post about the adorable pair. Many people are wishing good thoughts to for the couple. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Are You Ready For It???

It's time to get back to blogging! Stay tuned soon for all the details on what I've been up to this spring, and of course, soem juicy details about the upcoming Taylor Swift Reputation tour!

via Gfycat