Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Grey... I Quit

   In a recent post, I delved bravely into the world of 50 Shades of Grey. I have now finished all three books, and I can't help but think it's all overrated. Anastasia Steele is by far, one of the weakest female heroines in recent literature, tied for a very close first with Bella from Twilight. I don't want to read a story where the girl constantly complains about her rich boyfriend buying her extravagant gifts and giving her the business. Where is the story here? Is Christian's dark orphan child past really enough to make him a borderline sociopath?

   My friend recently raised a good point. She asked, if I ran into a guy like christian in the street, would I go anywhere with him, run off like Anastasia does... I her gave a firm, "Not more than a coffee,"on quirky gorgeous billionaires.Then she asked, what if he was an auto mechanic? On that thought, it became clear. (The answer was more of a hell to the no on that one).

   The only reason christian Grey is so alluring is because he's a billionaire. Yes, he's powerful, flies planes and looks like a Calvin Klein model, but he is rich. He can pay to make any nuisance go away,  throw money until you change your mind, and take you on fantasy dates that make The Bachelor look boring. Nobody in these books is really worry much about the normal things (losing a dry cleaner ticket, paying off the Visa bill, a friend who has a truly heinous haircut and does not want to hear she looks bad..). But maybe that's all 50 Shades is, a welcome escape from reality.